

The 2000 season was an astonishment for the variety and quality of its offerings. For me the months following that brilliant summer were to be immersed in an unhealthily obsessive examination and consideration of its spectacular formations. That work produced a DVD, number 7, The Pi Hypothesis and The Big Triangles and it is appropriate (as will be made clear) to re-examine some of that material here.

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Scorpions and Thought-bubbles

Scorpions and Thought-bubbles

1994 was a year of surprises and innovations. The Scorpions and the Thought Bubbles were among these and seem to have been largely overlooked despite their historical importance. The first of this group, the Scorpion, arrived opposite Silbury Hill on 22nd May 1994. By 1994 we had not had many figurative formations and this was quickly felt to be a scorpion.

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rape BARLEY wheat

The weather here lurches from high summer to dramatic wind and rainstorms. At least the water table is a little recharged. The farmers will be pleased. The Manton formation is the first in barley. The first barley formation is often portentous; it sometimes carries a hint of the quality we might expect during the season. This reassures me. Manton was confident, beautifully made and quite large. First barley also signals goodbye to Oilseed Rape....

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